À medida que as empresas continuam a jornada de transformação da TI, geralmente os líderes de negócios têm dificuldades para dar a devida atenção à segurança do servidor. Se a segurança do servi...
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O ritmo da transformação digital nunca foi tão rápido, e nenhum lugar está sentindo o impacto dessa mudança mais do que o local de trabalho. Para os funcionários, o trabalho não se trata mais apena...
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As empresas de médio porte enfrentam muitos dos mesmos desafios de infraestrutura de armazenamento do data center que as grandes corporações, mas sem os mesmos recursos para lidar com eles. A capac...
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As organizações estão tornando-se digitais enquanto buscam mais inovações para adquirir novos recursos de negócios, atender às demandas dinâmicas dos clientes, criar vantagens exclusivas ou simples...
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The 2023 African Cybersecurity and Awareness Report sought to unpack the areas of weakness that should be of concern to both individuals and organisations, shining a light on those areas that need ...
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Hackers have become increasingly savvy at launching specialized attacks that target your users by tapping into their fears, hopes, and biases to get access to their data. Cybersecurity is not just...
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As audit exposure and digital demands increase, Concur® Tax Assurance by VATBox helps organisations comply with global tax regulations by optimising the integrity of their data. A dynamically updat...
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The global market potential for Value-Added Tax (VAT) reclaim is nearly £57.1 billion1, but constant change in country-specific tax regulations and demands for digitisation of tax reporting have ma...
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The ever-evolving tax code can feel like a master class in administrative complexity and confusion. Even as your business grows, navigating regulations and avoiding the compliance missteps that lea...
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Concur Benefits Assurance by Blue dot uses innovative AI and ML technology to seek out taxable employee benefits hidden deep within expense reports. Once identified, these benefits are managed acco...
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