A medida que o dimensionamento e o volume de ataques cibernéticos continuam aumentando, os ambientes de aplicativos se tornam mais dispersos, o que aumenta o risco de exposição a esses ataques por ...
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A resiliência cibernética é um requisito essencial para qualquer negócio. Considerando-se que as organizações enfrentam superfícies de ataque maiores agora que os usuários trabalham de qualquer lug...
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O ritmo da transformação digital nunca foi tão rápido, e nenhum lugar está sentindo o impacto dessa mudança mais do que o local de trabalho. Para os funcionários, o trabalho não se trata mais ape...
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Sustainability is an ever-growing goal for businesses around the world, driven by consumer demand, government regulations, and a genuine desire to make improvements to a wasteful system. Readers...
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Watch this webinar to find out: The advantages of a CX engagement The value of a Customer Success Plan to achieve your enterprise business outcomes The evolution of Lifecycle Services
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For years, companies and consumers alike have embraced subscription‐based models. The message has been clear: why own when you can rent? This model has pervaded enterprise and consumer applications...
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Orange's Asset Management service delivers an accurate inventory of the customer-owned assets (equipment, licenses, subscriptions, maintenance contracts) with all associated insights to help enterp...
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Watch this video to find out: How to migrate from a UC Platform to another in just a few clicks How to manage and order the self care portal How to do partial or full migrations at your own pa...
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(UCaaS) subscribership increased from 27% in 2019 to 41% in 2020 and continues to grow. The global Contact Center as a Service (CCaaS) market is also on the upswing, expected to reach a compound an...
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Almost overnight, enterprises worldwide equipped workers with collaboration tools to work at home. Today, MIT says nearly half of workers are working from home. As a result, Gartner predicts the gl...
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