The security industry must transform. Tom Corn, Senior Vice President, Security Products at VMware, knows where to begin. Cloud can be the root of our solution rather than our problem if we seek wa...
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VMware commissioned Forrester Consulting to evaluate how organizations are working to ensure a strong security posture via Zero Trust. Forrester conducted a survey with 1,475 respondents and five i...
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Despite massive spend to protect enterprise digital assets, security breaches are still on the rise. The disconnect between the level of investment and the volume and impact of attacks is largely a...
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AWS continually enhances or launches new services to help businesses reduce dependency on legacy infrastructure platforms, minimize operational costs, develop and integrate new application features...
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Move beyond lift-and-shift and let Rackspace Technology® help you unlock the full value of AWS in your business. With generous funding and initiatives available plus experience of migrating thousan...
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Many CIOs, IT managers and small business owners are hesitant to migrate applications to the cloud. This is often because they don’t have the in-house expertise required to deploy a secure, cost-ef...
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Disaster recovery (DR) involves the intersection of business requirements and technical challenges. At the heart of DR is defining minimally required business resources and overcoming technical cha...
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KnowBe4 é reconhecida como líder em soluções de conscientização e treinamento de segurança pela Forrester Research A KnowBe4 foi nomeada Líder em The Forrester Wave™: Security Awareness and Trai...
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Diga às pessoas para não clicar em um link, dar tapinhas nas costas umas das outras e partir para o pôr do sol. Como se o treinamento de conscientização de segurança fosse tão simples. Nesta ses...
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Como líder de segurança, você se depara com uma escolha difícil. Mesmo que você aumente seu orçamento para softwares de segurança sofisticados, sua exposição ao cibercrime continua aumentando! A...
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