Your Employees Are Your Greatest Asset: Are You Willing To Invest In Them? While the benefits of strong employee experience (EX) to business outcomes are clear, what’s not clear is how to increa...
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Trabalho distribuído, acelerado. Graças às melhorias na tecnologia do espaço de trabalho digital feitas nos últimos anos, as forças de trabalho distribuídas (com todos os seus benefícios) tornar...
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Mudança para um local de trabalho digital: chegou o momento Em um local de trabalho sem fronteiras, as empresas que alcançarem o sucesso terão a combinação certa de tecnologias e especialistas. ...
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Seus funcionários são seu maior ativo: você está disposto a investir neles? Embora sejam claros os benefícios do engajamento dos funcionários para os resultados de negócios, não está claro como ...
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Economic progress usually goes hand in hand with technological progress. The Industrial Revolution of the 1800s used the power of steam to augment biological muscles. Automation put this power to ...
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Every decade or so, we’ve seen the technology market undergo major shifts. Over the past few decades, those shifts have been driven by mobility and the cloud. Now we’re entering the next big shift:...
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Until recently, troubleshooting network issues or planning an update meant huddling in a conference room or helping users in person. Now most IT teams are working remotely, and they’re having to so...
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As enterprises look towards the challenges of a post-pandemic world, one thing is widely acknowledged. The return to work will not mean a return to normal. After months in which the nature of how w...
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As the volume of network data explodes it must be processed, stored and analyzed nearer its source – at the Edge. What do IT Decision Makers (ITDMs) think of this change, and how are they preparing?
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All of a sudden, you (and everyone else) found yourself working from home (WFH). The one advantage was the lack of a soul-crushing commute. Unfortunately, many of your co-workers had never really s...
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