Nowhere is the need to modernize more important than in storage. Data is fast becoming the defining weapon of competitive differentiation—with a particular emphasis on unstructured data. To keep up...
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Unstructured data is experiencing phenomenal growth due to the proliferation of computing devices and operating systems, IoT, and other applications that fuel the rising tide of “big data.” This ma...
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Analyst firms Gartner, Inc. and Forrester are projecting accelerated data virtualization adoption for both first-time and expanded deployments. What are the uses cases for this technology? At its ...
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Providing business users with the data they need to make effective decisions has always been difficult. Increasing data volumes, varieties of data and heterogeneous data stores are not making this ...
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Guidelines and practical tips for building and using cost-effective factory equipment The principles of lean production have changed industry forever and boosted both performance and flexibility...
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Guia e consultor prático para a montagem e utilização de equipamentos e cientes a nível de custos. O princípio da produção ajustada alterou definitivamente a economia. Através dele, a pr...
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More than ever, medium sized businesses are looking for a competitive edge that enables them to thrive rather than just survive. To accomplish that they need to transform and become more efficient,...
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Container platforms such as Kubernetes and RedHat OpenShift combine with agile development methodologies to speed up application development and deployment. By allowing developers to break applicat...
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Most organizations prioritize cloud flexibility—and let application teams choose the best environment for each application—over the organizational benefits of common environments, processes, and to...
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Wireless communication is deeply embedded in the way we live, work and play. Whether it’s browsing the web from your couch, paying for shopping with your contactless card, or turning down the light...
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