The ever-evolving tax code can feel like a master class in administrative complexity and confusion. Even as your business grows, navigating regulations and avoiding the compliance missteps that lea...
Teknik Dokümanı Görüntüle
Concur Benefits Assurance by Blue dot uses innovative AI and ML technology to seek out taxable employee benefits hidden deep within expense reports. Once identified, these benefits are managed acco...
Teknik Dokümanı Görüntüle
You have made a significant investment in your SAP® Concur® solutions in order to optimize your travel and expense programs. However, to get maximum value out of this investment employees need to u...
Çözüm Özetini Görüntüle
Concur Detect by Oversight enhances your expense audit program while mitigating and reducing risk, improving employee spend compliance and increasing controls and visibility. Unlike other approache...
Raporu görüntüle
Combine the listening and analysis capabilities of the Qualtrics experience management platform with operational intelligence data from the Concur Travel & Expense solution to deliver actionabl...
Teknik Dokümanı Görüntüle
A commitment to growth takes a commitment to continuous improvement. And as you evaluate how you manage the systems and protocols you have in place to manage spending, it’s critical that you consid...
Kontrol Listesini Görüntüle
A rigorous cost and benefit analysis framework that evaluates technology of all kinds.
Forrester interviewed four WalkMe customers at length, aggregated their experiences, and combined the resul...
Örnek olayı görüntüle
At SAP Concur, we receive a lot of questions about the best way to audit expense claims. Often the approaches to audit vary greatly by industry and company culture.
It doesn’t have to be confusi...
Raporu görüntüle
When costs are rising, budgets are in question, and the business climate keeps changing, you can’t afford to take risks with your spending. And nobody can afford inefficient systems and cumbersome ...
Kontrol Listesini Görüntüle
Rising inflation, recession fears, lingering and resurfacing impacts from the COVID-19 pandemic, demands to increase sustainability, and finance and IT executives’ growing importance in setting com...
Teknik Dokümanı Görüntüle