Across industries, Internet of Things (IoT) devices collect massive volumes of detailed data about their characteristics and operating conditions. The data from each device can be compared with a l...
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Strikte Vorgaben von OEMs, kompromisslose Qualitätsansprüche und komplexe Logistik: Für Automobilzulieferer ist höchste Präzision in sämtlichen Geschäftsabläufen ein Muss. Kosten- und Zeitd...
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Systeme für das Enterprise-Resource-Planning, kurz ERP-Systeme, gewinnen weiter an Bedeutung. Laut Bitkom arbeitet in Deutschland bereits jedes dritte Unternehmen damit, weitere 21 Prozent planen ...
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Dass Self-Service für Ihre Kunden, Ihr Team und Ihr Unternehmen deutliche Vorteile hat, ist schon längst kein Geheimnis mehr. Mit den richtigen Praktiken für das Wissensmanagement kann Ihr Team das...
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Alerts from monitoring systems and ticketing tools are a good thing, as they help IT Ops and DevOps teams track the health and performance of core apps and services, and enable responders to react ...
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A new survey on the State of IT Work-Life Balance reveals that poor work-life balance affects an IT professional’s ability to manage stress, leading to high turnover as professionals seek a better ...
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DevOps is a culture, movement, or practice that emphasizes the collaboration and communication between software developers and IT operations professionals, while automating and accelerating the pro...
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This infographic shows the key activities that drive modern IT operations:
- IT Service Strategy & Design
- IT Service Transition
- IT Service Operations
- IT Service Improvement
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In today’s digitally disrupted world, slow is the new down. The average consumer spends over 10 hours a day using digital services, with an expectation of 100% uptime. Any unexpected service disrup...
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Our internal incident response documentation is something we’ve built up over the last few years as we’ve learned from our mistakes. It details the best practices of our process, from how to prepar...
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